Developing methodologies for future coastal hazards
Funding institution: United State Geological Survey (USGS), USA
Period: 2021-2025
Description: USGS is developing an assessment of flooding in many regions across the United States, including coral reef-lined coasts, for different future scenarios based on a multi-model cascading approach. On the other hand, the GeoOcean Group at University of Cantabria is working on statistical downscaling methods and data mining tools (e.g., TESLA) at different time scales (seasonality, ENSO variability) for waves, surge, and mean sea level anomalies to drive coastal flooding models. The objective is to merge both USGS and GeoOcean approaches (hybrid approach) in order to improve probabilistic estimates of flooding for different present-day and future scenarios as well as for ad-hoc scenarios, as a function of the main drivers (ENSO activity, nodal cycle, relative sea-level rise,...).