Fernando Méndez

I am Doctor in Civil Engineering since 1997. Since 2007, I am Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at University of Cantabria. I was Head of the Marine Climate and Climate Change Group of the Hydraulic Institute (IHCantabria) until July 2015. Since then, I am Head of the research group 'Geomatic and Ocean Engineering Group' (GeoOcean) from University of Cantabria. My research lines in the last 15 years have been focused on building knowledge to incorporate CLIMATE and DATA SCIENCE in COASTAL ENGINEERING (databases of marine variables, statistical models of extremes, data mining, statistical downscaling, climate variability, dynamical downscaling, flooding and coastal erosion).
Recent publications:
Rueda, A.C., Cagigal, L., Pearson, S., Antolinez, J.A.A., Storlazzi, C., van Dongeren, A., Camus, P., Mendez, F.J. (2019) HyCReWW: A Hybrid Coral Reef Wave and Water level metamodel, Computers and Geosciences, 127, 85-90
Winter, G., Mendez, F., Rueda, A., Wandres, M. (2020). Steps to Develop Early Warning Systems and Future Scenarios of Storm Wave-Driven Flooding Along Coral Reef-Lined Coasts. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7-199
Montaño, J., Mendez,F.J., …et al (2020) Blind testing of shoreline evolution models, Scientific Reports
Silva, A.P., Klein, A.H.F., Fetter Filho, A.F.H., Hen, C.J., Mendez, F.J., Broggio, M.F., Dalinghaus, C. (2020) Climate‑induced variability in South Atlantic wave direction over the past three millennia, Scientific Reports
Cagigal, L., Rueda, A., Anderson, D., Ruggiero, P., Merrifield, M., Montaño, J., Coco, G., Mendez, F.J. (2020) A multivariate, stochastic, climate-based wave emulator for shoreline change modelling, Ocean Modeling, 154:101695