Laura Cagigal

I studied my degree in Civil Engineering and my MsC in Coast and Port Engineering at the University of Cantabria (Spain). My master research was focused on developing an empirical model for studying the wind waves generated by tropical cyclones. After being involved for almost two years in different projects about coastal hazards and climate change at University of Cantabria, I moved to New Zealand to start my PhD. My PhD research entitled 'On the use of statistical downscaling for the use of Coastal Hazards in the Pacific' focuses on the obtention of the coastal hydrodynamics needed to drive coastal hazards.
Recent publications:
Cagigal, L., Mendez, F.J., van Vloten, S.O., Rueda, A. & Coco, G. (2022). Wind wave footprint of tropical cyclones from satellite data. International Journal of Climatology, 1-10
Cagigal, L., Rueda, A., Anderson, D., Ruggiero, P., Merrifield, M., Montaño, J., Coco, G., Mendez, F., A multivariate, stochastic, climate-based wave emulator for shoreline change modelling. Ocean Modelling. 2020; 1463-5003
Cagigal, L., Rueda, A., Castanedo, S., Cid, A., Perez, J., Stephens, S., Coco, G., Mendez, F. J. Historical and future storm surge around New Zealand: From the 19th century to the end of the 21st century. Int J Climatol. 2019; 1– 14