Mirian Jiménez

I studied a degree in Marine Sciences at theUniversityof Vigo (2007) and a MSc in Coastal Zones Integrated Management at University of Cantabria (2009). I finished my PhD on Science and Technologies for Coastal Managament in 2014. My research activity was focused on characterizing the statistical properties of drainage networks on tidal estuaries. I have participated in several projects, mostly involving hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modeling and analyzing the effects of climate change in different types of water bodies.
Recent publications:
L. Chen, Z. Zhou, F. Xu, M. Jiménez, J. Tao, and C. Zhang. “Simulating the impacts of land reclamation and de-reclamation on the morphodynamics of tidal networks” Anthropocene Coasts 3.1 (Jan. 2020), pp. 30–42.doi: 10.1139/anc-2019-0010.
B. Ondiviela, C. Galván, M. Recio, M. Jiménez, J. A. Juanes, A. Puente, and I. J.Losada. “Vulnerability of zostera noltei to sea level rise: the use of clustering techniques in climate change studies”Estuaries and Coasts 43.8 (Dec. 2020), pp. 2063–2075.doi: 10.1007/s12237-020-00742-z
M. Jiménez, S. Castanedo, Z. Zhou, G. Coco, R. Medina, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe. “Scaling properties of tidal networks” Water Resources Research 50.6 (2014), pp. 4585–4602.doi: 10.1002/2013WR015006.
M. Jiménez, S. Castanedo, Z. Zhou, G. Coco, R. Medina, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe.“On the sensitivity of tidal network characterization to power law estimation” Advances in Geosciences 39 (Apr. 2014), pp. 69–73.doi: 10.5194/adgeo-39-69-2014.