Sonia Castanedo

I am PhD in Civil Engineering since 2000. I am currently Full Professor in the Civil Engineering School of the University of Cantabria (Spain) and researcher at the Geomatic and Ocean Engineering Group (GeoOcean). My research areas are hydrodynamic modeling of long waves (tide, storm surge), hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of estuaries, operational oceanography, oil spill risk assessment and coastal flooding risk.
Recent publications:
Núñez, P. Castanedo, S. and Medina, R. 2021. Role of ocean tidal asymmetry and estuarine geometry in the fate of plastic debris from ocean sources within tidal estuaries, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 259,
Núñez, P., Castanedo, S. and Medina, R. 2020. A Global Classification of Astronomical Tide Asymmetry and Periodicity Using Statistical and Cluster Analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 125
Chiri, H., Abascal, A. J. and Castanedo, S. 2020. Deep oil spill hazard assessment based on spatio-temporal met-ocean patterns, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154
Cagigal, L., Rueda, A., Castanedo, S., Cid, A., Perez, J., Stephens, S. A., Coco, G. and Mendez, F. 2020. Historical and future storm surge around New Zealand: From the 19th century to the end of the 21st century, International Journal of Climatology,40,1512-1525
Núñez, P., García, A., Mazarrasa, I., Juanes, J. A., Abascal, A. J., Méndez, F., Castanedo, S. and Medina, R. 2019, A methodology to assess the probability of marine litter accumulation in estuaries, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 144, 309-324